Author Archives: chadtthompson

Guidelines of Using Therapeutic grade essential oils

Using unadulterated, therapeutic-grade essential oils can create wonders in your health- physically as well as mentally. It is one of the ideal ways of using the best products that nature has to offer us securely and efficiently which helps to sustain the natural functions of the body. However before making the use of essential oils, one needs to be aware of certain guidelines.

  • Since different essential oils have different properties and characteristics, it is normal that all types of oil may not suit all equally. Different bodies may differently react to oils depending on the exercise, daily diet, body type as well as blood type, and stress that you are exposed to in the day to day life.
  • A therapeutic-grade essential oil should never be applied directly in the skin. Instead, a patch test should be done where the reaction of the oils on the skin should be monitored for some time. If it suits you then you can continue using it.
  • Essential oils are concentrated and sold in the raw form. So it is definitely important to use it in moderate amounts to avoid any kind of side effects.
  • Essential oils if used in the right way definitely would be effective for you in the long run. So one should use it after consultation with the doctor.